Doomadgee State School implements a range of strategies to communicate effectively with families.
Regular posts are made on our school Facebook page to share learning in different classrooms, upcoming school events and other important information.
The school newsletter is sent home with students three times a term, with additional copies being placed in other communal sites in community. Content includes information about learning in different classrooms, upcoming school events and other important information.
Consent forms
Consent forms are sent home with students to gain parental consent. For example: in school activities, camps, excursions and health checks.
Home visits
Teachers and other staff will, at times, complete home visits to speak a family member about school matters.
Community Noticeboard
Information about upcoming school events is displayed on community noticeboard.
Education, Engagement and Attainment Initiative
The EEAI Co-ordinator and Student Attendance Officers regularly phone and visit families to support student engagement with school.
Open Classrooms
Open classrooms are held across the year, providing an opportunity for families to see the what their child is learning and speak to the teacher.